
The Devil's Door



Product Description

From the foreword:

How did denominations spring up when there was only one church in the New Testament? World religions have their roots in real people and beliefs that date back to the early Bible. Sometimes they borrow from the other religions as Keith traces these facts for the reader. Sometimes they borrow from the Bible so that the new religion has similarities with the Truth. They are always perversions of the true religion of Adam and Noah, of the faithful people of Seth and Shem, of the truth spoken by Moses and the Prophets, and lastly, of Christ and the Apostles.

In The Devils’ Door, Keith has sought to answer the when, where, how, and with whom Pagan deities arose. In this book, he takes a closer look at the people who descended from Seth and Noah and explains how nations sprung up from them with the peculiar religion systems that came to characterize them. The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, Canaanites and others are traceable all the way back to Noah. Keith explores what happened to those people after the worldwide flood. 
In The Devils’ Door, Keith set out to show that the devils’ door was a real architectural item in many pre-reformation churches. The existence of such a thing illustrates how men denominated by incorporating human religious systems into the Christianity. The result was a perversion of Christianity. 
682 pages

Product Reviews - +

  • 5
    A Whole Lotta History

    Posted by Kenneth on Jun. 30, 2018

    I bought The Devil's Door after reading Sisman's other book, Traces of the Kingdom. TDD was packed with historical references and he mentioned at least once that he'd spent 15 years sifting thru documents and books in some of the major libraries in England to find the information, most from sources who were non-believers, but whose research and statements are not disputed. The overwhelming wealth of information can leave your head spinning at times trying to grasp it all. His chapter on Peleg and the ancient references concerning the fires and earthquakes on the earth was quite interesting. While I don't agree with a couple of his conclusions/opinions, there is plenty in TDD to show anyone who's curious that the denominational world has continued down the path of pagan worship that was likely begun after the dispersion at Babel.
    The thought crossed my mind while reading, that some of his points were similar to ones made by Wycliffe and/or Tyndale whenever they disputed with the "Romish Church"; the more things change, the more things stay the same.
    I recommend both TotK and DD as fine additions to your Bible library. RIP Brother Sisman.