
Family Financial Workbook-A Family Budgeting Guide



Product Description

by Larry Burkett

Finances are the leading cause of marital breakdown and strife. Countless families give the false impression of being wealthy while drowning in a sea of debt. Family Financial Workbook is the best tool a family can have to manage their finances with God's direction. With a comprehensive collection of easy-to-follow worksheets, practicality is key feature of this great resource.

Product Reviews - +

  • 5
    Family Finacial Workbook

    Posted by L. Burrell on Jun. 2, 2013

    This book is a wonderful tool for getting your finances in order. It is easy to read. Easy to understand. And extremely easy to use. By following easy steps, you develop a clear understanding of your finances, spending habits and ultimately what your budget needs to be. The ease of use make it more likely that you will follow the program and get control of your money.